zaterdag 12 december 2009

Bangkok city!


Today we arrived in Bangkok!!!
We decided to go one day earlier than planned. Phuket was fun, but for me nothing special.
So we took a nightbus to go to Bangkok. We could sleep in the bus. We departured the busstation at 18.30 pm and arrived in Bangkok at 7.30 am.
Totally exchausted, but happy too.
We took a taxi to the Hostel, Lub_D. It is here very nice and clean. Lovely people to help you out. Becaus we couldn't check in at 8 am, we decided to check out my route to the Wat Po Medical school. We went with the tuk tuk. But that wasn't a good thing. Caus they have contracts witrh stores, so if you take a cheap ride, they drop you every were off and tell you to look inside the store. We were not happy with this, so we took a normal cab.
We went to the Chapaia Express, a boat taxi, to bring us further.
It was hard to find the school, but we did. So i already filled in a applicationform and signed up for it. So that was all good.

After that we visit the "Reclining Buddha", the biggest one of Thailand. The Buddist center is also the biggest and oldest one of the nation.

It was beautifull to be there.

After our visit we went straight back to the hostel.
Finally take a shower and unpack the bags!

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