dinsdag 15 december 2009

I love this city :-)

Today i finished the second day of my Traditional Thai Massage course.
It is so great! I'm learning so much. Cannot wait to try my skills out when i got back home ;-). Jae is happy to gave me on her side. China is all about practice, practice, practice... And all wil come!

After we went saturday to the Watpo Center, we got our backs unpacked and a long shower. After that we went out that night. Near by the hostel is a real cool place called the Skybar. It is a loungebar at the 64th floor of a bussines center.
We took some cocktails and enjoyed the vieuw spread all over Bangkok.

The next day we went to Ayuthaya. This island city was the place of a powerful Siamese Kingdom 400 years ago. It now has al ruins of acient buddist temples and a ruine of the old royal palace.

The place makes me think of Yogjakarta. Caus i felt al over the place a super friendly and calm energie. No one asked us that day if we wanted to buy something. Everyone gave each other space to be and that was a wonderfull thing.

Trainstation Bangkok

We went by train. It was about 1,5 hour ride. We hired a scooter and went first to Wat Mahathat.
This monestery was build in 1374 but almost totally destroyed in the last war between Burma and Ayuthaya in 1767.
The head of the Buddha is the only thing left of the body.

After that we went to Ratchaburana.
This place is build by a son of King Incharathathirat, who wanted to build a memorial place for his father and two sons who past away in war for more land and power that time.

After visiting Ayuthaya we went back to Bangkok. It was realy late wen we came at the hostel. The train had delay caus of an festival in town, people were standing on the railway for quit some time.
I had planned te meet two friend from Langkawi, last year. They were also arriving this weekend in Bangkok.
But skip that plan for the day.

Did saw them already! Lyn and Andrea. We had such a great time on Langkawi and stayed in contact on facebook. So it was realy nice to saw them last monday.
Andrea i saw at Watpo center. He picked me up after my massage class. Together we went to their favorite bar at Bangalamphu. The bar is next to their appartment. Lyn was there too. We had a real good time that night, just chatting and playing pool.
Today we went to a place called Saxopfone. Jae first picked me up at Watpo and we went to China town to eat something. After that we met at the bar. The place had realy nice cocktails and a great singer with live jazz band too. It was laying next to the Victorie monument. It was Andrea's last night here in Bangkok so it was nice te meet again.
Tomorrow we will see Lyn after class. Going to eat together in a local Thai al you can eat place!
We will see how that day end. With Lyn you never know ;-)

Now going to sleep.
My body is not used to have more then 5 massage a day and give more that 5 too! So rest is what i need now.

China town Bangkok:

1 opmerking:

ZZZ zei

Vanaf deze plek een mooi 2010 en nog veel mooie blogstukjes van jullie hand!

Massage Amsterdam