dinsdag 8 december 2009

Back in KL again

Wauw, i'd finally arrived in Asia.
And to be really honest it didn't got easy.
It already started at home, that here was some delay. But ok, luckaly my friends Hayat and Majida came to pick me up.
I packed really light, had only one handsized back with me, was so proud of that!
That my friends came and picked me up was super, caus i was so on time right now at the airport. I already checked in online, so in half a minute i was checked in.

The first problem started at the airport, i couldn't find my telephone. It was founded already in the car. My new telephone is super slippery, for some reason and i had to be carefull with it. Did brought my old one with me, and i'm so glad i did.

I met Thirza and Patrack at the check-in desk and we were chatting along. Thirza is the dutch girl i met at the Bali Yoga retreat, and Patrick is her best friend from London, with who i stayed at the and of my last vacation. It was such a coincidence that Patrick and i were in the same plane today. He did a weekend Adam at Thirza's place. Celebrating Sinterklaas (an old traditional national holiday for kids and family) and cruising around Adam on a bike. And i was starting my trip to Thailand and south China.
So we left to the gate together, got security controle and walked to the gate. We had to be at gate H. Now we were walking in a long hall of gates 1, 2, till 7. We couldnot see our flight any where. So we were walking back again. But becaus it was a long hall, the time was passing by.
Finally we were back at the security controle and asked around. They confermed that the flights were not stated at the gates themself, but at a display around the corner! We were like: Why no one told us that!!
Well they asumed that people would know. At that time it was 15 minutes from departure. We were running to the display, then running to gate 5 almost on the end of the hall. We came there at 10 min before departure and the misses would not let us true. We begged, but still it didn't worked. They were just transfering our luggage of the plane, we had to get the next flight.
With the idea of not knowing if there were seats available at the next flight, i was really stressed out. I had to catch my flight in london at 23.20. If there were seats, i could make it, but if not then my whole plan fall apart. I do am reni thankfull too, of advicing me about taking an early flight. She had sad to me: " Caus you never knows what can happen." She was so right about that one ;-)

Ok, so we had to got our luggage first, then to the easyjet desk to apply for an new oneway ticket 52 euro :-( and checking in again.
The line at easyjet was big, so we were desperate for the tickets and really hoping they for some leftovers. Finally at the frontdesk the stress fell of my back. Yes, there were tickets left! Ok, we bought them and checked in.
The line for checking in was big also, but still, i was releaved.
Then by checking in my bag i was thinking: " O no my phone." I had put him in the front compartment of my bag while we were booking the new flight. K U T, i thought. Now i have to pray that the thing is not slipped out of the bag. Caus i knew that the compartment was not fully closed and i could get the bag back, caus it was already transfered away.
Drama, drama, drama, caus at the arrivel at London Stansted airport i check up and there was no phone. Fucking hell. That was really bad. All my numbers gone.
Now i felt so lost. I had, no phone with me, no laptop. How can i survive without????
i probably was destine to left my phone at Hayat's car, then i would have had my numbers.. But ok. Nothing i can do about it now.

Well, the lost luggage service gave me a number to call. But it was out of reach. Then i was thinking, i have to block my telephone. Searched for internet, had no pounds in coins, caus i gave them to Hayat. Only papers. Luckaly Patrick was still around and gave one pound.
Then finally at the "Telfort" site, the telephonewebsite was under construction!!! I couldnot log in and block my number! Also tried a 0900 number, but we couldn't get connection. So what to do, what to do..
I had to leave know, didn't want to miss another flight.

We agreed that patrick would try to reach Jae for me. So he could tell her that she couldn't call me. And also asked her if she could try later to block my number on the internet.
Well, thank god there was Thirza. My angels from heaven :-). Caus Patrick couldn't get true with the emailadress a gave him. so he reach for T. And thank god she blocked my phone, so no-one could make any longer phonecalls for free.

What a ride so far, and my flight to Asia wasn't even started jet.

At the plane a was seated next to a gentleman from England and one from Malaysia. It was ok. they were very friendly. One was traveling to the Philippines to his wife and child, the other one was traveling with his family back home from visiting London. The only thing what really was hard to bear, was that one row in the front and one row in the back were sitting baby's... Yehh, it is what you think happend: true the whole trip they were crying, sceaming, ect. So no rest for me..

Now i'm in the Airasia hotel, next to the airport KCCL. The hotel is super cheap and really nice. I have one room at the back, looking over a coconotplantage. That's very cool. First thing when i was in the room. Socks and shoes off. Flip-flop on!!
Yes, i'm back in Malaysia!
Here is a free internet cafe, a 7 eleven in the building and most important: i have one whole king size bed for my one!!!!
So that's what i'm gonna do now, sleeping.. So hard that i can forget this trip and start all over tomorrow..

A new day is coming ;-)
(and a new Thai number too, let it know a.s.a.p.)

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