vrijdag 11 december 2009

It was all good in phuket!

Well, i'm in phuket now. My trip from KL to Phuket went great. i was 1 hour to early at the airport, because i didn't had an alarmclock to set on. So in the middle of the night i just packed my stuf and left.
The flight was 1,5 hour. I left at 7.10 and came at Phuket at 7.30 PM.
Phuket is 6 hours differents from the Netherleands.
At Phuket i met Jae and we were so happy to see eachother!
Jae is allready addept to the climate. So she was stamding there in her sneakers, long jeans and sweater. For me it was to hot to handle. So that was a funny sight :-)

The day i did arrive we cruised around the island. I settled in my room and we were planning on exploring the island on the scooter. So we did.
The hostel is at Patong bach. Very busy and a lot of toerist.
We had a great sunset at Pronthep Cape, lookoutpoint with the best vieuw of the island.
We also did some shopping that day: i bought me some sunglasses, backpack and a new simcard.

The next day we were planning for i early morning. Doing maybe some yoga. But no, we were to tiered. We slept true the alarmclock and it was already 11 am when we wake up. So we had to do a change of plan: Chilling at the beach!
We had breakfast at Sandwich Shopp and after that of to Karon Beach. All day of doing nothing.
At the and of the day we toke a long massage and pedicure. Both for 14 euro!
Life in Phuket is great, but am looking forward to go to bangkok!

1 opmerking:

José zei

HAi maya
Wat heerlijk dat je weer op reis bent in thialand. Heel erg veel pleizier daar ik vond het er werkelijk geweldig toen ik er was geweest. Ik kijk uit naar de rest vna de vakantie verhalen!