zaterdag 8 augustus 2009

Indo Party time!!

Today my last day on Nusa Lembongan.
Gonna miss Indonesia, but looking forward to go to London too!
Feeling not so much better. Had fever again today, 38,5 c. But so far it was on and off. So tomorrow i will be fever free! hahaha!
Well, go to a party of Thomass. he's celebrating that he did become Divemaster. So there will be free food!
And that's always good. Didn't eat much today, so am hungry now!

Ok, here are a couple of party pics from Indonesia!

Here we were drinking cocktails in the Papaya bar in Sengigi, Lombok.

Tis was in Kuta, fridaynight 31th . I was exhausted. Finish the retrait that day. Was broken. But what the hell. You're not every year on Bali. We did had alot of fun!

Next day, Saturday, was also in Kuta, Skygarden.
We had so much fun!
This was our last night together. That Sunday we all split up. Reni went to Bangkok. Her two cousins went back to Bandung. I went for one night to Pandangbai, to see my two of my new yogafriends, Thirza and David and to spot the BlooLagoonBeach. After that i took the boat to Lembongan to start the dive course...
Eliette stayed in Kuta till Wednesday. Than she's left of to Jakarta.

Funniest partypic of the night

a. We were practicing capoeira,
b. We were dancing like birds,
c. We played pictionary, or
d. We were just talking.

(Ubud and the yoga retrait i will put on the Blogg when i'm in London. Miss alot of foto's from the far, so good!)

1 opmerking:

José zei

Leuk blog heb je maya. Ik ga je vanaf nu "folowen" op blogger. :)
Ik vind het grappig dat jij ook met de zelfde websites bezig bent. Nou succes er mee groeten jose