zaterdag 19 december 2009

Finished my Traditional Thai Massage cours!

Yes, i did it! The massage cours is over!
Wauw, i'm happy to be still alive. It maybe sounds very annoying for people who are graving for a massage right now, but how tiring is is to have reciving more than 4 massage at a day. It wears you out. And than also give more than 3 in one day is so exhausting.
But dispite the fact of being tired, the massage cours was super great! I met some sweet girls who did the cours at the same pace i did. They wer had so great! We talked alot and had great fun.

The cours started monday and was 5 full days from 9 am till 4 pm. It was so cool to start the day with al the working people of Bangkok. I got there by Skytrain and boattaxi. It took me 50 minutes to get there.
The school is located outside of Watpo Center across the street.

The people were so nice and friendly. I loved the atmosphere. The teachers were caring and realy patient to help you as good as possible.
The people loved massaging so much that if you were sitting down, suddenly someone was massaging your back, or if a student was massaging your arms and the teachers were sitting at the feet of us, they just were gentely massaging your feet.

We realy needed the luchbreak. Caus the massage thing is realy intens. Your legs are "squating" all the time. So at twelf we walked downstairs like 80 year olds. In the beginning we eat down the streat, but then we discovered the lunch at the rooftop of the building and that vieuw was amazing! Food was too very good :-)

Ok, but it wasn't me, for not have to get some stupid stuff on my way. But this time it was realy not cool at all. It really never is :-), but any way.
I woke up friday morning with an aye like a chameleon. My eye was swollen from my eyebrown at least one cm thick.
I got sting by a mosquitoe!!!! And the stupid part if it. The day before Jae and i were talking about why bumbs are never on your face, but always on the arms and legs. This was so not cool. Here i was walking around with one eye who i couldn't open at my exame day of the cours.
When i got to the medical school the teachers were realy so caring. Becaus we couldn't understand the language we thought one of the teachers was getting me a compress or colling stuff for my eye. But when i layed down and closed my eye i felt suddenly a big gauze on my eye. That was it. Chelmy, one of the girls, looked at me and starting to laugh so hard. I felt realy bad. Still couldn't take it of.
So here i was walking around as a stupid fuck. People thought i had a fight or some like that.
O yeh and my pictures with the certificate are great too! Not...

But to be true, had a great time and gonna miss the girls!

Today going to China!! In about 7 hours. Joepie!

Pictures will come soon of the cours!


1 opmerking:

José zei

Wow een heuze massage curssus. Ik kan me helemaal voorstellen dat het erg leuk is om te doen, wel jammer van je oog ;)
Waar ga je nu naar toe in china? en hoe lang blijf je nog? Ik vind het echt geweldig hoe je zo rondreisd in je eentje, op super avondtuur. (ben stiekem een beetje jaloers haha) Heel veel pleizer verder, en ik volg je op je blog,... Groeten jose