dinsdag 23 maart 2010

First time Italy. Love to hear people speak! Wish i can speak Italian :-)

Now i'm finally chillin'. I packed all my stuff out. I've eaten a real Italian pizza. Life is good.

But there has to be always a but, when go travel. And yes, this time it did happend again with alot of sweat and stress. But i'made.. Let me tell you how it all went down.

I packed most of the stuff yesterday evening. My plane would departure offically at 2.20 pm.
So i had planned to leave at 11 am with the train and i would be in Eindhoven at 12.30.
No rush, chillax would you say..
But no, ofcours my suitcase zipper had to be broken and stuck. And when i finally got the suitcase zipped up, i would not rush out of the house with my shoulderbag still inside... Yes that last part really happend.
I rang at every doorbell to look if someone was at home. At last at the upperfloor one of the neightbours was at home (or finally fond someone who was awake..).
So he helped me with breaking into my own appartment. I climbed through the super small window and crabbed my bag and left. With 30 minutes delay. From that moment everything went wrong. Delay at the tram stop. Delay in the train to go to the Eindhoven. And just missed the busshuttle at Eindhoven station to the airport.

My plane should departure at 14.20 and i arrived at 14.00 at the airport...
Rushing to the counters and asked if i still had to possibility to go with the plain to Milan.
Luckaly i checked already in. So i could immediately go the the gate. And i didn't had to rush, becaus the plain had delay...
Delay?? Did they das delay. I neede one second to switch over to another mood. The layed back mood.
Yes, i had plenty of time! Don't need to feel stressed out. It's gonna be ok. God does loves me!

Arriving at Milaan is great. Saw alot of mountains on my way to the Milan City, little houses and alot of beautifull churches. And arriving in the city, ofcours every one is wearing sunnglasses! ;-P

Now i'm at the appartment of Antonio. We made contact at facebook. Aliana did actually. he is a really nice guy, who studied 3 years ago in The Haque.
He's very clean and we have our own bedroom.

No worries. Gonna be an awsome week. Now sleep early, yoga starts tomorrow at 7am...

My first Italian Pizza!!!!

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