vrijdag 7 augustus 2009

Lembongan Adventures

I sad i would keep on my blogg, but i just didn't had the time for it.

Today it is Friday and i'd arrived on Monday on the island. What a journey to come to this place.

Now i have, cause i'm ill, lots of time to write. I spend 3 days with fever (arround the 39 C) in bed.
Looks like i'm recovering now. But i had it really bad: High temperature, cold and chilly feeling (when it's 35 degrees out here) pain in my muscles and my joints, dizziness and light in my head.
A Belgian masterdiver who i met sad to me, that a lot of people who come to this island get a fever kinda thing like i had. Joepie!

What's the worst part of it, i started my Padi divecourse! Now i couldn't finish it!!!!!!
I did tried, but i couldn't clear my ears. So that was a big no no. That was to bad, I was for a moment very disappointed and sad.
Especially cause I came to this island to do the diving.
And I did not got here easy.
Got from Padangbai (south east cost of Bali), with first of all money problems (there was one ATM in town of a small bank who was not working. Next ATM would be one hour away by car. Luckily i could solve this with my dive center if i got short on money) went with a tinny one size fishers boat, on a bad seatime (best time to cross the ocean is early in the morning, i went at 1 pm, at that time the sea was much ruffer. And that i really felt!), had to pretend i had a husband (cause was sitting 1,5 hours with the fisherman, who was really nice but asked for my husband. Though it would be best to just talk with him. For the picture: there was only me, him and ocean around me....), got wet all over because the waves were very high (there i was sitting all wet with my beachdress on, being pretty) and than I had to work also (my job was to keep the water out of the boat. So every 15 minutes I had to scoop the water out with a can. It felt so useless.. ), but in the end I got a really nice welcome cause there was someone from the divecenter waiting for me already to pick me up (with a scooter tho, so i did it the Indonesian way: Driver in front, suitcase in the middle, me at the back holding the suitcase on my knees and trying not to fall of). At the dive center the people were super nice and friendly. Got a twin bed room, not even 10 meter from the sea for 90.000 Rupia (6 euro)

Now i'm staying in Thomas place, in the place called The secret garden. It's maybe 25meters away from the divecenter/hotel. The reason is that if I wanted to stay I had to move to the more luxuries room for 370. But now I can stay here and share the twin room with him. Is 120.000 split in two. So much better price. And we can get along quit well. Went to Nusa Ceninga yesterday on a mountain bike. Didn't know there would be a lot of highs, so the climbing was to much for me, (did this one day after the fever day I had...) but did manage to made it to the bridge. Ceningan is the smallest island. And then you have Nusa Penida. Lembongan and Ceningan are connected with a bridge.
We did made it and crossed the bridge. Because the tide was low, the whole ocean bottom was dry. So I came with the idea to cross it by feet.
That was super. Because it was not all dried up, but there was a lot of wet spots we could see a lot of sea life. We saw a jelly fish, swimming upside down, one strange sand worm, crabs, a sea star, and black seaegels.
Than we got ourself some drinks. Well Thomas did actually. He speaks better Indonesian then me. So that's quit a strange image to the people. He can make a whole conversation with them. And i'm only standing there, smiling and saying: Makassi! That was so funny!
Then we saw a big group of Hindu people, crossing the way. With music and sang. The people who are living there were prepared with an offering. At each home they stopped and the woman of the household prayed and offered the little basket with flowers, rice and ascent.

The funniest thing was that we now had to go along with the parade, cause there was no way to scoop by. Than a guy asked me the way. Found out he was a Dutch guy to. Probably from Suriname. He was stressed out, cause he only went to take his forgotten camera from the hotel, but he got lost. Now he was on the right trek, but didn't had the patience to wait. So at the last moment he turned around. What he didn't knew, was that we were almost there. Than after 40 minutes when we arrived at the entrance of the side path of the divecenter, we suddenly met him again. Now really fucked up and stress. We gave him the right direction again, really hope he did made it.

My plan for the last days is to really relax and not doing a lot. Walking around and maybe buy me some stuff. Cannot buy to much, have to do it with 15kg check in baggage and 10 for hand.
Have to miss the Molaa fish (sunfish, who comes every year ones out of the deep sea till around 20 m dept to washed himself off parasites and reduplicated themselves and it is the Molaa season), the manta's, sharks and all the colored “Nemo” fishes...

But still, love this island and truly want to come back to do the diving over here!


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