vrijdag 31 juli 2009

Had the best time in Lombok and Gilli trawangan!!

The trip to Lombok started out quit disapointed. From Surabaya Reni had booked a flight to Mataram, Lombok. It was with Merpati airlines. She did called to check if the flight was still on. The confirmed that every thing was ok.
But when we arrived at the airport, the flight was fully booked!!!
Ok, plan B. Now what? After going round all the local airlines to check what their options were, plan B was to go to Denpasar, Bali, first. Stay there one nght and then go to Lombok by boat. Otherwise the next flight to Lombok was in about 2 days.

So we went to Bali.. stayed in a cheap house. Met the family of Reni, caus they were going also to Lombok by boat. And the next dag we went for the 5 hour boat trip to Lombok.

Lombok is very Beautyfull. The land is not as green as you would expect. It's kinda dry. But stil when you drive true the island, you see alot of nice ricefields, coconot- and watermelonplantages. And when you go further inwards you see the jungleside of Lombok. With the best Waterfalls i saw in my life and alot of monkeys.

The two waterfalls we visit were on the foot of the Ringajan Volcano. Unfortunately Eliette was not feeling well, so she'd stay in the room. That was to bad. Caus the waterfalls were for me one of the highlights of the trip. I was not feeling good also. I could not take the malaria pills. So we did stop for more than 5 times on the way. But for me it was really worth it all. The first one was very peachefull. But the second one was the best! The power that came of the water was incredible. We did swim there too. It was like you would trying to walk against a massive blowdryer. And the energy that came of, was so energizing. We could not take it all an dwere sceaming and yelling all the time of joy. It was a fantastic experients.

The next day we went with the family to Kuta beach.
Lombok has also a area called Kuta. But it is the opposite of the Bali Kuta. In Lombok Kuta tourism is really not developed. It is peachefull and quiet. The local people, living there in there woven houses of leafes.
Because the tide was low, we couldn't swim there. We did stand and enjoyed the surrounding. I also met two sweet little girls, who were playing in a little waterpool next to the rocks on the beach. The could understand only: What's your name? But they were so cute! I played with them for short time and then i went to the rest of the people. And when Reni and i went i the water, they were running towards us, yelling: Maya, Maya! We played with them in the water. It was super fun. Then their dad came, and they had to go home. Yelling untill we couldn't see them any more: Da da Reni, da da Maya!

Then Eliette and i went of to the Gilli island Trawangan.
Reni and her family just dropped by for one day.
Gilli is like the real tropical island. There are no cars or scooters allowed. Only bikes and horses.

We went did a surfcourse. Supposed to be for 2 hours. But the guys really didn't had time in his head, so we surfed from 8.30 till 12.30!
Because Eliette had really trouble with the whole balancing part, she took a break after 40 minutes. But tried later on one time more to sit straight and not falt off.
Therefor i had the surfguy all to myself! So it was more like a personalteacher! Hihihi! I did liked the surfing alot. The waves were very high. I couldn't believe it was ok for me, a beginner, to try to take them. But he was really confedent. It was totaly no problem. In the beginning it scared me a little bit. But, still, i'm here to overcome my fears. You live only ones, so just tied and tried and tried.
Surfing is very hard and difficult. But addictive to! If you felt the power of the waves, that is just with no words to describe. Really amazing!

Did got burned and could hardly sit for two days...
Met some local people to. We drunk every night on the bar and talked about our lives. Loved to share stories like that. It was alot of fun! Had to say goodbye to soon.
I really have to come back to the Gilli's!!!! It was to short a time!

ps. Forgot to tell that i fall in the water with my camara!! i slipped on a rock, near the waterfall.. :-(
So the pics are not so sharp as before and less caus sometimes he's not working. I have to check the thing in Holland when i'm back....

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