zondag 12 juli 2009

Singapore: Shop till you drop!

Here i am again. The weekend is almost done. Eliette, Reni and i are now chillin in our room.

Nonie, the friend of Reni who's living overhere, took us first to Bali Lane. We eat some food in a little restaurant over there. The food was good. The typical asian food: fried rice with prawns, curry chicken and vegatables with white rice. We enjoyed our company, but after 30 minutes it starts to thunder and rain. it when so hard, that we could not sit any more on the table. But inside it was already full. So we had to stand and eat our food with the plate in our hands. After 20 minutes the rain stopped for one moment and we took the apportunity to find a cab as quickly as possible. Up to the Clarke Quay. It was a place with all kinds of shops and bars, covered with a rooftop. So we didn't straight our hair for nothing, but we could stil show of with the tight hairdo.
The club we went to was called Zirca. It was ok. Music was a little bit old, but we had alot of fun. There were two rooms. One with elektro house and one with sort of r&b/ hiphopmusic.
We came back after 2 o clock, packed my yoga stuff for the next morning, spoke to Jae on the skype and when to bed at 4 am.

Next morning got up at 8am. Took the Teksi to Yankit road nr 11, to follow the mysore class of James Figueira. I realy wanted to do the yoga, caus it is bin to long.
It was great, James gave me very nice advice for develope of my lotus. Also was he realy friendly and laught alot. For the yogi's, check this infoline: http://www.theyogashala.com.sg/teachers.html

Went back to the hostel at 10.30am and got with the girls some lunch. Nonie had took a friend with her, Nelli, so we were with the five of us.
We went to see the redlight district, area around Little India, the Singapora Leon, the Esplinate Theater, Raffle City and finally we when to a great Chinese Place, called Ah Boy.
I was exchausted! As you can see on the pics. My body was broken.
At the last day we saw the Shu-shop. Sale! Second par for half of the prices! Ok, Reni and i could not restist that one. Reni bought one pair high heels and i saw one pair of cool sandales.
After that we eat at Ah Boy. We orderd Hokkien Popiah, muesli chicken and fried rice with the vegetables. It was the best Chinese food ever! Love the Hokkien Popiah, gonna check that one out in Holland when i got back.

Tomorrow to Indonesia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm realy looking forward to!

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