zaterdag 11 juli 2009

Penang, multicultural center of Malaysia

Why are my plans always change? After this night in Penang i realy am questioning this.

It started of as planned. Went out with Kelly and Shauwn, English couple who i met on Langkawi in Zackary's guesthouse, and we went to this great Indian Veggi restaurant. Eat for ten, caus it was already 9.30 pm and we had a great time talking.
After that we went to a little bar, took one drink and just when we stood up to leave, it started to rain realy heavy. It was then probably around 11 pm. The plan was to take it easy and go to bed before midnight.
But because of the rain i run in a seven/eleven and crapped me some food for the next morning. The rain started to get worse and worse. So i decided to stay in front of the store and wait till the rain became less.
Next door there was an internetcafé and after a while 2 men came uit of it. Got themself a sigaret and were also standing there looking at the rain.
The first line was: "Hi there, were you from?" And the next moment we were talking about life in Malaysia and Holland, about religion and Sufism. Happyness and feeling connected as one with the universe.
So there i was standing, around midnight, having a realy deep conversation about life and spirituality. Azlon was 29 and was following the muslim religion. He was also a follower of the path of Osho and he was practising the buddhist technique of meditation. He knew alot about this stuff. Shan was his friend, 10 years older and was more into the Hindu religion. They were both Indian, but born in Malaysia. For the whole time my awareness was on his highest. I was truely aware of the fact: Who are these men? Do they want somthing of me? Do they have bed intenstions? And so on. We talked for more then 30 minutes. They realy seemed truly open and genuine. They were curious about my way of thinking about life. To be honest, we were totaly strangers, but felt realy connected. I was over and over thinking: "Is this naïef or just how it is right now?" And after a while they asked if i liked to go to a bar and drink something. Again in my mind: Bad intentions? Or trying to give the feeling of hospitable. Again, my body sad, they are good people, let's go with them for a drink.
So i did. And it was hilarious if i think of it right now. We went to one if their favorite places. It was a dark, huge bar, run by chinese. Empty dancefloor, only the chinese waitreses were dancing around the tables, in a way i never seen before. Looked like they got al the time elektrocuted themselfs. But anyway. They orderd a watercan full with coca cola. And a boll of icecubes at the side.
There we were, sitting on the table, staring at an empty dancefloor, sipping on a glas of coke. I think we did the "cheers thing" for at least six times. They were realy enjoying the music. And becaus i told them i was Indonesian, the sayed every time the DJ played an Indo song: "Listen good, this is Indonisian song!"
They writed also something on a little paper for the DJ. I don't know wat it was, but 5 seconds later, the DJ greeted me true the mic and gave me a big welcome Maya from Holland and friends.
It was realy interesting to see how the daily nightlife for the people overthere was. And what they were liked. They were so friendly and just wanted to make my time in Penang good.
A group of chinese people came later and started off the dancefloor. After that everyone who was in the place (think no more then 18 people) were dancing and doing crazy. Even i danced on one Indi Song and one Indonesian.
Totaly not a typical night out, what i used to with the girls. But still interesting to experience a night like this, that's for sure.

After 1 hour we went to the hostel. They walked me back, we took a picture and sayed goodbye.
To bad i could not stay longer to see al the temples and ancient buildings. Did saw some at night. Maybe next time when i come back to Asia.

This morning i had my flight to S'pore. The taxi diver, from yesterday, picked me up at the hostel and at 7.30 i arrived at the airport.

I saw Reni and Eliette at the Chingi airport in Singapore.
We went to the market and to a Chinese and Hindu temple. We offerd incense at the first one and wished all the best for family and friends.
We went also to the Albert Hall, a local market, and eat fresh papaya, noodle soup and a specialty from Singapore called "Carrot Cake". This is a dish with white carrot, scrambled eggs and ketjap.

Now we are having a fiësta, caus the three of us were exhausted. Tonight we go out somewhere with a friend of Reni's, who she had met last year. This friend has worked in Holland, but is now working at the S'pore department of this company.
Not that we had any sleep, caus the neigtbours are renovating the house. So the sound of the drilling is not relaxing at all. Reni and Eliette are now snoring...
Wish i was them.

Well let's see what this day will bring us! Gonna go in one hour to the citycenter and see how Singapore's nightlife is all about.

Geen opmerkingen: